
Brand Vanity

The time has finally come to unveil what our team has been putting off for nearly a year...OUR BLOG!


Before you throw your hands in the air, utter a profane word, let out an annoyed sigh and dismiss this as JUST ANOTHER POINTLESS BLOG, give it a fair shot. 


FACT:  Everyone can have a blog these days, which means in theory that everyone is a writer….(cues squeaking violin music) NOT!


The Blogosphere is saturated with self-proclaimed writers and experts, who have demoted the art of storytelling and credibility to just a box that decent websites check off… the blog box.


Yet on the contrary, so many people/stories/words could contribute to the greater good, if only they had…drum roll…an audience. So if you are reading this now, let’s set some boundaries, and evaluate whether or not you are the right audience for this blog?


Are you a business, brand or person? If you answered yes, then you are the target.


OK, great. This blog is for you. It is about your personal or business brand and how people digest it. It is geared toward individuals, companies of all sizes, and levels that are either interested in optimizing, monetizing or strategizing your brand. It is witty, opinionated, solutions-based and forward-thinking.


Our blog sets out to challenge ourselves, our marketing and media counterparts and our target audience, to adjust, adapt and deliver your best output!


Every morning, we wake up, shine our pearly whites, comb our hair and put on our best threads to present ourselves. We consistently invest in our image. Brands are no different.


Our question for you is…IS DO YOU HAVE BRAND VANITY OR NOT? And in this day and age, how do you deliver your brand (you) to an ever-changing market?


Brand Vanity, is your brand’s Kanye swag. Getting to that point of confidence might seem like an intimidating task, but this blog embraces that journey with you.


Our self-help society has become so reliant on finding “tools” to assist us with different elements that we have resultantly become so reliant on the tools we use that we’ve forgotten how to use our mind.  So throw away your tools and let’s just do a pulse check on your personal or professional brand. It is time to get a little Pledge and wipe the dust off your brand.  


What guides you and perpetuates your brand’s image to the public?

What are you passionate about and is it transparent in your brand?

What is your brand promise to your customer?

What serves as the imaging to represent it?

What can people expect from you?

Are you completely happy with how your brand looks and feels?


It’s time to focus on how your brand is positioned in the world and to move beyond being self-aware and become “brand aware.”


This is not our monologue to you, rather it is a dialog focused on a collaborative exchange of all things BRAND.


Our team of seasoned writers REAL PEOPLE are simply encouraging you to abandon all of the self-help tools you’ve picked up on the way, and become open to the makeover of a lifetime and GET brand vain.



Yours Truly,

Sax, Inc.


1055 W. 7th Street, 33rd Fl. Penthouse | Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: 213.232.1682| Fax: 1.310.388.3152 |